During this LA DOTD Compliance Program and SJB DBE Supportive Services sponsored webinar, we’re excited to have one of our partners Ms. Sevetri Wilson answer any questions you want to know about the (Disadvantaged Business Enterprise) DBE Program, contracting opportunities funded by state and local governments as well public transit or airport sponsors. Sevetri Wilson is the Founder and CEO of Resilia, a SaaS technology platform that helps nonprofit organizations increase capacity and enables funders to scale impact and provide on-demand technical assistance to their partners. Headquartered in New Orleans with a second office in New York, Resilia was named to Venture Beat’s top startups to watch out for in 2019. Sevetri was named in Inc. Magazine’s 100 Female Founders building world-changing companies and PitchBook’s 27 leading Black founders and investor list in 2019. In 2020, Sevetri became one of the only 50 Black women in the U.S. to have raised over $15M in venture funding and was named a Rising Star on the Forbes Cloud 100 List. Sevetri’s second book, Resilient: How to Overcome Anything and Build a Million Dollar Business With or Without Capital, was released in 2021 and became an instant Wall Street Journal bestseller.
Prior to Resilia, Sevetri founded Solid Ground Innovations, LLC., nonprofit management, and strategic communications agency. Sevetri is a 2010 recipient of the Nobel Prize for Public Service and the Jefferson Award. Her work was featured in the U.S. Senate report to the White House on Volunteerism in the U.S. under President Obama.
Sevetri’s work and that of her clients have been featured in national publications such as USA Today, Time Magazine, and CNN. A graduate of Louisiana State University and Harvard University, she serves as a community voice as a Forbes contributor and has amassed a loyal following of over 200,000 across social media.